Food Choices for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet


In light of the grocery store excerpt previously posted, I came across this news story, The Great Grocery Smackdown by Corby Kummer (The Atlantic), which you can read the whole story for yourself to learn the outcome. Kummer orchestrates a blind  tasting between Walmart and Whole Foods’ organic products. Amazingly enough Walmart is starting support their local farms that years ago they helped destroy. “To get more locally grown produce into grocery stores and restaurants, the partnership [with Agile Agriculture and Walmart] is centralizing and streamlining distribution for farms with limited growing seasons, limited production, and limited transportation resources.” Walmart has recently committed itself to help rebuild economies and communities instead of destroying them. You know we need to start going for Earth-friendly food choices especially when companies like Walmart are realizing the detrimental effects it’s had on the environment.  This corporate giant may not be so bad after all…

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