Food Choices for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet

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The Poncia family in Marin County, California, work to keep their 520 acres of land safe from the damages of traditional cattle ranching: among other things, they’ve put up cattle crossings to protect the creeks from indiscriminate trampling, and planted native species and over a thousand trees to reduce erosion on creek banks and provide bird habitat. I don’t eat meat at all for many environmental and compassion reasons, but if you do eat meat, you can help the earth by supporting farmers and ranchers who are using sensible practices like these.

[news from the Marin organic newsletter 4/16/10; website at]

Winemaker Mike Benziger recently explained how his vineyard used water so wisely that it won the Growing Green Award from NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). He described how important it is to design your vineyard (his vineyard has its own wetland!) to let nature direct and recycle the water.  Read more at

They are the future and deserve to the chance to be raised without numerous health issues at a young age. Infants are exposed to mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, phthalates, and bisphenol, which are all linked to reproductive and development disorders. In 15 years children who have asthma under the age of five has increased by 160%. Cancer and other dysfunctions and impairments have been linked to solvents and pesticides. Some pesticides, exposure to lead and mercury have contributed to ADHD and autism. So if you choose not to care about how pesticides and other household toxins can harm you, you might care how it affects the little ones.

Support the Kid-Safe Chemical Act that “would mandate that all new chemicals be tested and found safe for children before being brought to the market. It would require that 62,000 untested chemicals currently in use be proven safe or be banned.” In the meantime, you can remove harmful household items and make sure to buy organic fruits, veggies, and dairy for your children.

For more info check out

The Goldman Prize (fondly known as the Environmental Nobel) is given to 6 people each year. American Lynn Henning won this year for revealing how the cruel factory farm industry in Michigan was poisoning water supplies and air – and for persisting in her tireless work despite threats and intimidation. Read more here.
Meanwhile, in Cuba, Humberto Rios discovered that some farmers had never adopted “modern” farming methods, and that their traditional practices could help the nation rebuild their land and food system. Read more here.


In nearby Costa Rica, Randall Arauz led a campaign to stop the horribly cruel practice of getting shark fin (a delicacy in China). Read more here.


*Earth-Friendly Food Chain salutes Lynn Henning, Humberto Rios, and Randall Arauz!

Joe Laur at Greenopolis has some ideas you can use to make your farmers’ market trip even more responsible and rewarding. Check out these 10 Tips to Shop Smart at Farmer’s Market by clicking on the picture or link.

In a study on male rats, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) discovered that triclosan, used to kill germs in antibacterial products, “decreased sperm count, damaged the male reproductive system, and disrupted male hormone production.” The NRDC is asking the FDA to ban the use of antibacterial for products due to the risk it is taking on its consumers. To read the full article, “Our Antibacterial Overload” and the downloadable report, “Not Effective and Not Safe,” click on the link.