Food Choices for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet


Safeway, with 1,775 stores in the US and Canada plus almost 500 subsidiary stores, has created a house organic label for over 300 products, from fresh lettuce to spaghetti sauces. Safeway has won an award from California’s Integrated Waste Management Board for its success in recycling and composting. But be aware that some junk food is labeled “organic.” Potato chips made from organic potatoes are still condensed doses of salt and fat.

Whole foods make low-interest loans in 12 states to small businesses that produce food crops, body care products, and artisan foods such as nut butters, ice cream, granolas and cheese. It is recognized by the EPA as a Green Power Partner of the Year.

Trader Joe’s, My Organic Market, and Andronico’s are some regional chains that sell Earth-Friendly foods to a large and appreciative customer base.

From The Earth-Friendly Food Chain (p. 62)

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