Food Choices for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet


Hi! In case you were wondering, I’m Veronica, Linda’s assistant, blogger, and lead publicist for the Earth-Friendly Food Chain. If you see posted by: vjchung, that’s me! Anything by the EFFC is written by Linda.

Recently I attended the Green Festival in San Francisco for the first time! If you’ve never been before, it is definitely a life-changing, motivating event that you should experience. It’s a large festival dedicated to promoting different products to help create a more sustainable earth. It is also where we sold “The Earth-Friendly Food Chain” at the bookstore! Anyways, there are about 10 mentionable companies that I found unique, interesting, and revolutionary. Here are some that you should definitely check out:

*I tried Hemp milk!: This company Hemp Bliss has created a line of milk products created with hemp. It is better for the environment as well as people. Definitely an interesting experience… it tasted somewhat like flowers in my milk… It has plenty of calcium, 10 essential amino acids, and full of “good fats” Omega-3 & Omega-6.  It is great for allergies and 100% vegetarian. It comes in original, unsweetened original, vanilla, and chocolate. and to compare flavors.

*Funniest Company: Mr. Ellie Pooh Paper – All of their paper products are actually made from elephant poop! (yes, feel free to laugh. I did!) It is actually helping prevent the hunting of elephants and creating a use for the surplus of elephant poop all over the jungle. And if you were wondering, no it doesn’t smell like poop! Visit to find out more about their products!

*Cutest bags: I found a highly fashionable grocery bags created by June 15. One of their bags was actually featured in last month’s InStyle magazine! They have a variety of bags made from cotton and jute with different functions. My favorite was the Palette Bag because it had a convenient pocket and separator built in the bag. However, I bought the more popular one and went with the blue bag.

*Best Baby Line: I found the cutest organic baby line created in SF with blankets, toys, stuffed animals, and burp clothes by Apple Park! All of their products are made with organic materials and the items are so plush and cute! Check out to see all their little animals!

*Most Innovative Company: Rentalic is a service that helps you rent and rent out items in your household. So instead of buying a new tent when you want to go camping, or a lawnmower you use twice a month, you can borrow from your area. Also it’s a way to help you earn a bit of cash by renting out to your local community anything from movies, video games, and household appliances. I thought it was a wonderful idea seeing that Americans tend to consume an abundance of goods. Eventually they end up sold on ebay or craigslist, given to goodwill, or put into storage. This will hopefully help eliminate the problem of clutter and junk!  Visit to start renting out your items or borrowing ones you need!

*Prettier then Paper Plates: Leafware has created a line of dinnerware made from fallen palm leaves in different shapes and sizes. I loved the heart shaped ones and the fact that they can be composted. Also, since you need silverware to eat from, To-GoWare is the best way to go! These utensils are made from bamboo! The local Berkeley company also makes stainless steel tiffins for plastic free foodware!

*Away with Paper Towels!: I have been debating since the Festival on whether or not I want these… I think I have decided to invest in a set of People Towels!! These are thin towels that you carry in your purse and use instead of paper towels or the hand blower machines in public restrooms. They are made out of 100% organic cotton.  They come in a bunch of cute designs and colors with a nice little eco-sack to store them in. What’s not to love? You save some trees & reduce waste, not to mention they’re soft and cute!

*Old Invention Reinvented: This product is available for SF residents only, but I am sure there are other companies alike that offer this product in your area if you research. Basically it is a device that harvests rainwater! The city of San Francisco has made it possible to participate in rainwater harvesting to prepare for a sustainable future. It’s taking an old practice of catching rain water to use inside your home. For more information check out or

* A Quest for the Perfect Products: I had the pleasure of listening to one guest speaker after browsing the entire festival. I decided to check out a representative for Alter Eco, Mathieu Senard. Not only did he allow us to sample fair trade, delicious chocolate (my fave was Dark Velvet Chocolate), but he informed us of what Alter Eco strives for. They look for quality goods, promote fair trade, take a sustainable stance, and seek superior taste for their products. I will most likely go more in depth about fair trade and this company in particular at a later date seeing this entry is getting rather lengthy. To learn more about the company go to

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