Food Choices for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet


"The New Good Life" John Robbins

This is a friendly, compassionate, and deeply heartfelt guide on how to live. Bringing together research and personal experience of key themes – money, food, home, time, kids – John Robbins maps out a set of values that can lead our country to a better life, even in a time when security seems far away.

“Better life” to me means healthier and happier, woven together with care for other people, animals, and our earth. In his life and in this book, John Robbins shows how it can be done. Every step he advises, he has taken himself.

I appreciate that he devoted a large segment of the book to “healing your relationship with money.” So many people have little idea where their money actually goes, while others (both rich and poor) are lost in the illusion that “more money” is the answer to their problems. His lessons about making peace with money are wise indeed.

Many of the findings in this book have been reported elsewhere, but by bringing them together in an integrated way, Robbins paints a positive and possible picture of how to live. This is a book about today, neither a romanticized idyll of an easier past nor a prediction of a technologically-driven salvation in the future. It asks you to think hard about whether to have children, and how to guide them in an advertisement-crazed culture. Balancing alarming facts with inspiring ideas and examples of people who have made wise life choices, Robbins made this a deeply readable book.

Buy this book. Buy extra copies and give them to people you love, especially young people starting out in life. For additional information check out John Robbins website:

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