Food Choices for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet


Ok, we’ve all seen the carbon footprint calculators that measure the damage our lifestyles do to the planet. Here’s a more cheerful calculator, one that lets you count how much you’ve helped if you choose organic dairy products. Check it out!

According to the website, “The numbers are derived from a calculation of USDA conventional agriculture data compared with twenty years of parallel data from Organic Valley member-farms…..Organic Valley farmers and consumers collectively kept 89.5 million pounds of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and 1.25 million pounds of synthetic pesticides and herbicides from America’s soil and water from 1988 to 2008.  To reduce that down to a personal level, a shopper who purchased two blocks of Organic Valley cheese, two containers of cream and a gallon of milk, for example, would prevent an entire pound of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer from being applied to soil and leaching into our drinking water.”

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