Food Choices for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet

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This Wednesday evening, October 2, an interesting event is taking place in Mountain View. The Silicon Valley Innovation Institute is hosting an evening called Perspectives on Innovations in Food (Consequences or Breakthrough?). As you can tell by the title, controversy will not be avoided. SVII has for some years brought together thought leaders on various topics, with the goal of generating creative solutions.

Panelists include Dr. Ed Bauman, a pioneer in the field of holistic nutrition for over 35 years; executive chef Alan Finkelstein; Kathryn Sucher, a recognized authority on how diet, health, and disease are affected by culture/ethnicity and religion; raw food chef Jillian Love; and myself as moderator.

I hope you can attend! This will be an interactive forum and your input is expressly solicited and welcomed.  As the even description says, “Although we seed the discussion with subject matter experts, the audience is also comprised of subject matter experts whose expertise lie in a larger range of topics. And it is within this cross fertilization of intelligent communication that innovation can often occur.”

Hangen Szechuan Restaurant (2nd Floor)

134 Castro St. Mountain View, CA 94041

Appetizers will be provided!  (Waiter service will also be available for menu items.)

Pre-Registration Tickets ($20)   Use code RIEBEL to get a discount.

More info at   Register at

Berkeley Vegan Earth Day 2013

The Berkeley Vegan Earth Day will be a fun-filled, action-packed day that focuses on the intersection of veganism and the environment. There will be a bevy of knowledgeable speakers, an eco chef battle, interactive Q&As, food demos, a panel discussion, and a film screening of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home.

Location: David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way at Oxford St., Berkeley. Near downtown Berkeley BART.  Time: 11 am to 6 pm.  I’ll be speaking at 12.45 on how people who avoid meat are helping to save endangered species.

  • We will have a series of speakers throughout the day, starting at 11:15 AM sharp.
  • At any given time, there will be two to three speakers or events going on at once, including an eco-chef battle, the showing of the film Peaceable Kingdom, and food demos
  • There will also be vendors selling and/or sampling their vegan and eco-friendly products.  Come hungry!
  • There will be a variety of amazing food for sale, lovingly made by catering companies and restaurants that are a part of this event.  Plus, of course, many items to try out before you decide just how much of it you want to purchase to bring home with you!

Even if you can only attend for a portion of the day, you don’t want to miss this fun, educational, and inspiring event.


I recently got a chance to speak to the radio audience of Health Podcaster, on eHealthRadio.  The interview is saved, so if you’re interested in hearing an overview of the food and environment issues, go here.

Like you, I feel that promoting sustainable food and agriculture is a mission. If you’re on the busy end of the time spectrum, you support the movement by buying organic when you’re in the grocery story anyway. If you have a bit more time, you frequent farmers’ markets as well. It doesn’t take a lot of time to tend one’s tomato plants, and the really dedicated grow zucchini, lettuce, peas, beans, and more at their residences.


Then there are community gardens. In my town of Lafayette, CA, a new community garden opened up last year. Check it out here!

This weekend in Golden Gate Park, the annual World Vegetarian Day will be celebrated. I’ve been to these events for years, and am always delighted to meet so many people who are choosing a healthy, compassionate lifestyle. Not to mention the tasty dishes, books, workshops, recipes, and much more. Even if you’re not a vegetarian, you are most welcome to attend.

Proposition 37 will be addressed, too. I’ll be speaking about it at 2.45 on Saturday, complete with slides, facts, and myth-busting. Once you learn the grim truth about how GMOs are harming our bodies and environment, you’ll be thrilled to learn the power of Proposition 37 and its countless supporters.

And if you like bluegrass music, the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival is also being held in Golden Gate Park this weekend, so you can stroll over there after filling your tummy and mind with wonderful vegetarian options!

Be sure to allow extra time for travel and parking – there will be lots of activity in SF this weekend!

 When and Where: San Francisco County Fair Building in Golden Gate Park
1199 Ninth Avenue. Entrance at 9th Avenue at Lincoln Way, next to the Arboretum
$10 at Gate; Free for Children under 12, Students with ID, & Seniors over 65

Featured Events:
Children’s Corner, Green Lifestyle Film Festival, Healthy Food Demos with Recipes & Samples, International Speakers & Workshops, Live Entertainment, Vegan Cuisine to sample or buy, Urban Gardening.
Catered Vegan Dinners: Saturday & Sunday, 6:45 p.m. $26 each
Advance reservations:

The Green Foodprint was recently selected for review by Publishers Weekly, one of the most distinguished and respected sources for book reviews in the industry. For their expert opinion, click here and read the glowing review they gave The Green Foodprint. 

Responsible Eating and Living (REAL) is a non-profit corporation, founded by Caryn Hartglass, who has been spreading the message about the benefits of a plant-based diet for over two decades, including 9 years as Executive Director of the nonprofit EarthSave International founded by John Robbins.

She has appeared on Dr.OZ, Geraldo At Large, 20-20 and CNN. She is currently the host of “It’s All About Food” and “Ask a Vegan”  on REAL Worldwide Radio.

Tune in to “It’s All About Food” talk show on June 6th at noon, or visit REAL anytime after to hear guest speaker Linda Riebel PhD, author of The Green Foodprint talk about how you can help save the earth with your food choices.